Preparing your lawn for the long harsh winters can be important when it comes to maintaining a healthy yard come springtime. With cooler temperatures, and more spirited colors around us, the fall season is now in full swing. For lawn owners, now is the time to evaluate the damage caused by the summer months. It is also the time to understand steps that can be taken to repair and prepare your lawn for next year. Luckily, we have some tips and guidance to help you with making these decisions along the way,

Tip #1: Aeration and Overseeding.

Aeration is the process of creating many tiny holes across your lawn. Grass roots need water, air, and nutrients in order to continue growing thicker and stronger. When soil becomes compacted, it becomes harder for these essentials to continue reaching the grass roots. Aeration allows the roots of your grass to receive air and nutrients more efficiently, letting your lawn “breathe” more easily. Overseeding is a method of seeding over the top of an existing lawn, while still maintaining the proper health of the soil. Following aeration with overseeding can help to repair damaged patches of a lawn because it can create a perfect seeding bed while also reducing compaction below the new lawn. 

Tip #2: Mulch Leaves

A quality of fall time that most people seem to enjoy are the vibrant color changes that are present among leaves and other foliage. While being visually appealing, they will begin to fall from trees and begin spreading themselves across your lawn. Even if you don’t have many trees in your lawn, leaves might still find a way to gather in your lawn anyways due to high winds carrying them over. Falling leaves can create a layer over your lawn, preventing sunlight from reaching the grass, causing it to become frail and weak. You can ensure that your lawn gets the proper sunlight that it needs by mulching the leaves. 

Tip #3: Fertilize/Weed Control.

When it comes to controlling the annual and perennial weeds that invade your lawn, the fall season can be a great time to take action. By taking care of weeds such as dandelions during the fall, you can help to prevent them come spring. Fertilizing your lawn during this time can help with weed control, but it can also help your grass receive the additional nutrients it needs to promote healthy growth. This can assist your turf against the harsh conditions of winter, and promote a more plush and weed-free lawn during the springtime. 

Maintaining and preparing your lawn during the fall can take a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to doing a precise and thorough job. In many cases, one might not have the ability to carry out all of these tasks on their own. This is when the help of a professional lawn care service can be most beneficial. Blue Grass Lawn Service has been providing their fall lawn services to home and property owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 36 years. If you think you need assistance when it comes to fall lawn preparation, we highly encourage you to reach out to us.

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