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04 Oct 2024
house during the fall Winterized Landscape Plants & Foliage

Winterize Landscape Plants & Foliage with Winter Guard and Feeding

The best time to start your spring landscaping is in late autumn. That may sound extreme, but it’s absolutely true that the key to healthy trees, shrubs, and plants is preparing them for a healthy start to the growing season.

As the temperatures begin to drop here in the Northeast, all of our plants and foliage are getting the message that it’s time to rest. While we mostly think about fall landscaping as cleaning up falling leaves and some post-summer pruning, it’s also about protection and fertilization.

Protect Trees and Shrubs with Winter Guard

Fall and winter can be very wet seasons in Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. One would think all that moisture is great for spring growth. It’s not quite that simple, though. Excessive fall rain, blustery winds, snow, and swinging temperatures can damage your property’s landscaping and put you way behind your goals for the spring.

The trees and shrubs around your home are far more exposed to the weather than plant life in a forested area. This exposure puts your foliage at risk for breakage, uprooting, and even dehydration during the cold months. All of the weather elements take their toll on your landscaping. The good news is that you can prevent this damage by winterizing your trees and shrubs for their protection.

Blue Grass Lawn Service & Landscaping, Inc. has developed a Winter Guard Protection treatment that minimizes the effects of cold, wind, snow, and rain on your landscaping. This treatment is customized to meet the needs of your property. It includes Pest Inspection, where we inspect and treat for the pests that like to set up home in your landscaping during the cold months. Our team of professionals is serious about winter protection for your trees and shrubs. We have developed winterization techniques that promote a vibrant start to spring after anything winter throws at your landscaping.

Additional services that you should consider doing to winterize your property include:

  • Mulching - our method of mulching leaves the stem of the shrubs exposed in a well, with the mulch building out and up from the center. This allows for proper drainage to avoid pest infestations and rot.
  • Windshields - we protect shrubs, plants, and small trees that are most exposed by creating burlap windshields. We can fully wrap or stake down trees and shrubs that are especially vulnerable to being blown over.
  • Tying branches - by wrapping branches carefully with twine, we can avoid them being snapped off by heavy winds or snow loads.

If you need assistance with these tasks, we can happily provide you with referrals for highly qualified professionals.

Proper Feeding for Winter Rest

Fertilization is not just for the spring and summer. We feed lawns and landscaping in the fall as well so that the soil can regain the nutrients that get depleted during the warmer months. 

Winter fertilization slowly releases nutrients into the soil where they will be stored for when the temperatures begin to warm up again. This promotes strong root development, and it ensures that the plants have access to healthy soil as soon as they come out of dormancy. The result is excellent seasonal budding and flowering throughout your landscaping.

If you have never tried a full winterizing treatment for your landscape trees, shrubs, and plants before, you may have experienced the frustration of slow spring growth. That frustration is much worse if you notice that other homes in your neighborhood have landscaping that seems to wake right up and start growing lush leaves and abundant buds and blossoms. The only difference is winterization!

You don’t have to wait until spring to get your trees and shrubs into growth mode. Feed them now so they wake up refreshed and ready for spring.

Timely Pruning for Proper Growth

Pruning is a pretty standard activity during your fall landscaping cleanup. This is the time when you’ll find dead branches to remove and overgrowth to cut back.

When pruning for shaping purposes, wait until your shrubs or trees have finished all of their flowering. Even better, wait until after the first frost of the season. Pruning while there is still life on the branches will disrupt the plant’s internal clock. Prune after the plant goes dormant so that it can recover and then direct its energy into new growth on healthy branches.

Most homeowners get the closest look at their trees, shrubs, and plants while pruning. If you notice anything that concerns you, such as mushroom groupings, insects, retained moisture, or signs of rot or disease, please give us a call. Our highly knowledgeable team can help you diagnose and treat the problem before it causes too much damage to your landscaping.

If you need assistance with pruning, we can provide referrals for skilled professionals to make sure it gets done in the healthiest manner for your trees and shrubs.

Professional Tree and Shrub Care for Winter Protection

At Blue Grass Lawn Service & Landscaping, we have been testing and developing our methods for over 40 years. Our Tree and Shrub Care Program is designed to promote healthy plant life throughout the year so that you always have beautiful landscaping. 

Our customers rely on us to strengthen their trees, and shrubs so that they are both healthy and beautiful year after year. Winter Guard and Fall Fertilization are available in our Superior Complete Protection Plan for Trees and Shrubs. Contact us to schedule an estimate so that we can discuss your specific needs. Blue Grass Lawn Service & Landscaping is proud to serve homeowners in Montgomery and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania, as well as Mercer and Middlesex Counties in New Jersey.

13 Sep 2024
beautiful lawn treated with Core Aeration and Overseeding

Enhance Lawn Health with Core Aeration and Overseeding

To maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn that grows attractively throughout the warmer months, intentional planning and treatment are needed during the off-season. Lawn care doesn’t begin in early spring. It’s actually a year-round process that prepares the turf and grass roots for strong new growth.

Once the summer temperatures begin to cool, maintenance for next year’s healthy grass begins. September and October are ideal months for lawn treatments like core aeration and overseeding. 

What are Core Aeration and Overseeding?

The processes of core aeration and overseeding work well together to promote a healthy dormant period for grass during the colder months. These treatment techniques allow the soil to absorb more air, water, nutrients, and new grass seed so that spring growth gets off to a great start.

What is Core Aeration?

The turf that supports a lawn takes a beating every year. Temperatures, mowing, activity, and weather all cause the soil to become compacted. This means that air gets pushed out of the turf, leaving less room for moisture and sunlight to reach deep into the ground. Without these necessary elements, nutrients aren’t able to generate in the soil and feed the roots. Over time, this affects the health of the grass roots, and the lawn will grow less productively each year.

Core aeration literally opens up the soil to allow air, moisture, and light to work their way back in. An aerator is a machine that reaches into the lawn and removes small cylinders of grass and soil. These cylinders or plugs are about three inches long and a half inch in diameter. Aerator machines can be either manually or power operated.

The removal of the cores clears space for the remaining soil to loosen up. It expands to fill the holes, which then makes room for air, water, and light to promote effective growth. Core aeration also cleans up the layer of thatch that tends to spread across lawns. Thatch is dead grass, leaves, roots, and stems that build up around your grass. Thatch is protective up to a certain point. If it becomes overgrown, however, it will block water and nutrients just like compacted soil. Core aeration breaks down thatch growth so that it continues to be beneficial.

Homeowners who treat their lawn with core aeration typically notice that it has fewer brown, dead-looking areas when it starts growing again in the spring. Regular aeration also results in fewer pests and less fungus in the warm months. The best time to aerate a lawn is in early autumn when the soil is still fairly warm, but not too dry.

What is Overseeding?

When roots are damaged from soil compaction, spring growth often comes in less uniformly. Homeowners notice bare spots and uneven growth. Overseeding means to spread new grass seed all over the lawn, including over existing grass. This process allows the seeds to settle in during the cold months so that they take root and start growing at the start of spring.

Overseeding will help a lawn come in more evenly from the very beginning of the new growing season. This prevents homeowners from having to play catch up over the course of several weeks in the spring while they wait for those bare spots to recover. The new seeds also provide a protective layer over the existing grass, so fewer weeds will grow.

It’s best to take care of overseeding after the busy outdoor season is finished. Most of the activity that wears down a lawn is done for the year, which prevents the new seeds from being disrupted from where they were spread.

Combine Core Aeration and Overseeding for Maximum Benefits to Your Lawn

Core aeration and overseeding, when applied at the same time, prepare a lawn for an excellent upcoming growing season. Core aeration is done first to loosen the soil, create air pockets, and allow nutrients to start moving through once again. Overseeding then fills the refreshed soil and helps to thicken and protect the existing grass around it. Because of the aeration, the new seeds fall deeper into the soil where they develop strong roots.

While autumn is ideal, core aeration and overseeding can be done at various times throughout the year, as long as the grass is in a growth cycle. It should be avoided during the winter when grass is dormant, and during the hottest and driest parts of summer. 

If a lawn has been left alone for several years and has many dead patches or weeds, a homeowner might want to go ahead and get started on healthy treatments right away. Or if homeowners simply could not get their aeration and overseeding scheduled during autumn for various reasons, it is better to do the maintenance in another season for the benefit of the soil. Additionally, aeration and overseeding should be done following new home construction, even if the builders applied grass seed. The construction equipment certainly compacted the soil, so the treatment will improve the lawn’s initial growth.

Lawn Care Professionals Complete Core Aeration and Overseeding Efficiently

The two-part process of core aeration and overseeding is intensive and time-consuming work. Homeowners with very small yards may be able to complete this project on their own each year. For homes with larger lawns, especially those with both front and back yards, these tasks can quickly become overwhelming. Without professional grade equipment, aerating usually takes far longer than most homeowners are willing to commit.

Blue Grass Lawn Service specializes in these lawn treatments as part of our Superior Lawn Care Service Plan. We use extra heavy core aerators, which we have found to create optimal seeding conditions. With over 40 years of experience as lawn care experts, we have developed a highly effective process for core aeration and overseeding that produces consistently vibrant, healthy growth. Contact us to schedule your core aeration and overseeding treatment, and to learn more about our full schedule of year-round lawn care services. We proudly serve homeowners in Montgomery and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania, as well as Mercer and Middlesex Counties in New Jersey. 

21 Jun 2024
family enjoying bbq outside because of mosquito treatments

Hello Summer, Goodbye Mosquito Bites! Safe, Natural Mosquito Treatment for Lawns

The warm, long days of summer are the perfect time to finally get outside for relaxation, meals, and time with friends and family. You have invested a lot of money and effort getting your outdoor living space ready for the season, and you should enjoy it! But when uninvited guests arrive to buzz and bite, the nuisance is enough to drive everyone back inside.This year, control the mosquitoes before they control you. Blue Grass Lawn Service & Landscaping, Inc. can help you keep your summer space free of these unwelcome bugs. Your family and invited guests will love to hang out in your no-mosquito zone.

Temporary and Partial Mosquito Solutions Can’t Solve the Problem

Every year, homeowners go to great lengths to finally solve their mosquito problem, and every year, they and their families still end up with far too many itchy red bites. Most traditional mosquito solutions are only temporary, or they have very limited effectiveness.

Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are a popular tool for repelling mosquitoes and other bugs, but they aren’t the best fit for every home. Citronella has a strong scent, which can be irritating to many people. If anyone has allergies or sinus problems that are triggered by strong smells, citronella might be enough to keep them away from your backyard. Citronella also only works when the candles are lit, and only in their immediate area. To really control mosquitoes, you would need to keep candles going the whole time you’re outside, and at every location in your outdoor living space. If you like to spread out around the deck, pool, and backyard fire pit, you’ll be going through a lot of candles!

Bug Zappers and Hanging Traps

Bug zappers and hanging traps are also pretty limited. Zappers usually need to be placed near the house where they can be plugged in. Traps get to be a pretty gross sight once the bugs start accumulating in them. Plus, who knows how many bites that mosquito might deliver before it finds its way into the zappers and traps? Because of their limited range and either annoying sound or unpleasant sight, zappers and traps are not the ideal mosquito solution.

Mosquito sprays

Mosquito sprays are one other option, but they are laden with chemicals. Who wants to cover themselves and their kids in sticky, smelly chemicals every time they want to head outside? Sprays may not be good for your skin, and they certainly aren’t great to breathe. If you forget to spray before you head outside, you’re fair game for the bites. And if you’re getting sweaty or spending time in the water, the chemicals will wear off faster than you think. 

All of these solutions are limited at best, and totally ineffective - or even dangerous - at worst. It’s important to keep in mind that none of them actually solve the mosquito problem, either! They might protect a small area or individual people, but they do not rid your outdoor living space of these nasty bugs.

Safe and Natural Mosquito Treatment for Your Entire Outdoor Area

We have been in the business of lawn care for over 40 years. Nothing makes us happier than making sure our customers can fully enjoy their yards, decks, pools, and patios. We know that bugs can ruin summer, especially for people who are extra sensitive to mosquito bites. Just a few minutes outside, and you could be covered in painfully itchy red bumps. But as much as you want those mosquitoes gone, you might be worried if a full yard treatment is safe for your kids to run around barefoot or for your pets to have their faces and paws in the grass. 

Our goal is to not only get rid of your mosquitoes, but to do it in a way that enhances your summer season. That means offering a mosquito treatment that is safe and effective for your family and property. Our mosquito treatments are:

  • 100% natural
  • Safe for kids and pets
  • Expertly applied to keep your outdoor space completely mosquito-free
  • Guaranteed

We have over 40 years of expert lawn care knowledge, so we know what is effective and what is safe. Enjoy your outdoor living space all summer long with your family and friends, and without any uninvited guests. Contact us today to achieve beautiful, bug-free landscaping and lawn care for your home in Montgomery and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania or Mercer and Middlesex counites in New Jersey. We offer $20 off each mosquito treatment!

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips!