Mon-Fri: 06:00AM - 6:00PM
07 May 2020
Get Rid of Weeds the Right Way!

Get Rid of Weeds the Right Way!

Sick of seeing weeds pop up on your lawn? You’re not alone, homeowners everywhere are watching dandelions, crabgrass, and clumps of clover mess up their beautiful yard. Luckily there are several simple ways you can get rid of weeds in your yard…

What Are Weeds?

A weed is basically any unwanted plants sprouting up in your yard. These troublesome plants fall under one of three categories: broadleaf, grassy, or grass-like weeds.

Getting rid of broadleef weeds

Broadleaf Weeds

The leaves are broad and flat as opposed to needle-like or grassy. These plants could be dandelions, clover, ground ivy, oxalis, chickweed, dollarweed, henbit, plantain, or thistle.

Getting rid of grassy weeds

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds look similar to grass and grow one leaf at a time. The leaves closely resemble grass blades. However, these could be crabgrass, foxtail, annual bluegrass, or quackgrass.





Getting rid of grass-like weeds in your yard

Grass-Like Weeds

These may look like grass blades from a distance. However, a closer look shows the leaves are triangular or tube-like and hollow, not flat like a grass blade. These weeds could be nutsedge, wild onion, or wild garlic.



How to Get Rid of Weeds in Your Yard

The best way to control weeds in your yard is with a proper lawn care schedule. Our eight treatment plan is perfect for ensuring your lawn is uninterrupted by pesky weeds. If you only have a few weeds, hand-pulling may be an option. Crabgrass, chickweed, and other annual weeds tend to have shallow roots making them easily controlled with hand-pulling. However, perennial weeds, such as dandelion and thistle, have deep roots. If you miss even a small part of the root while hand-pulling, the weed will grow back.


Preventing Weeds From Growing in Your Hard

Keeping your yard weed-free is can be a battle. However, with a proper lawn care schedule and these simple tips, you can keep your yard beautiful year-round!

Treat at the Right Time

Your lawn care schedule should include treatment for annual grassy weeds in the spring. In the spring, the seedlings are tiny and vulnerable. This makes it a great time to treat so they don’t become a problem in the summer.

Keep Your Yard Healthy Year-Round

Proper lawn care is the best defense against weeds. We have a variety of lawn care treatments backed by over 35 years of experience to keep your yard beautiful year-round. A thick and luscious lawn leaves little space for weeds to grow.

Mow Higher

Any great landscaping company will tell you: when you mow, raise the mower height. Weeds require sunlight to sprout, just like any other plant. Mowing at a taller height allows the grass to grow higher and shade the soil. As a result, the weeds are less able to sprout.

Water Your Lawn Deeper

Frequent and shallow watering encourages shallow root growth in your yard. The periods of heat and drought can cause thin, bare spots in your yard that weeds will happily sprout up in. Watering deeper, less frequently, encourages deeper grassroots. This allows the grass to grow thicker and occupy more of the space weeds normally would.

Leave it to the Experts!

With over 35 years of experience, our experts will treat your lawn regularly to ensure your lawn stays beautiful all year! Explore our lawn care programs or call us today and get rid of weeds the right way!

Get the latest lawn care tips on our Facebook Page!

06 Apr 2020

How to Treat Your Lawn for Ticks and Other Pests

With summer approaching, many of us are looking forward to spending time outdoors with our families and pets. However, this year we have a larger population of pests in our yards to deal with. Because of that, it’s very important to understand how to treat your lawn for ticks and other pests so you can protect your family, pets, and landscaping

Ticks Hiding in Grass

Why are there more pests in my yard this year?

For many of the critters making a home of our yard, the life cycle consists of being born in early spring to dying or lying dormant in the cold winters we’re accustomed to in Bucks County. For instance, ticks do not hibernate or lay dormant in the winter if the temperature is above freezing. The mild winter we had this past year in Bucks County allowed more time for pests like ticks to breed meaning we can expect a much higher population of them this year.


Why should I be worried about pests in my yard?

Many pests lurking in your yard can lead to much bigger problems. Ticks can carry many diseases that can be transmitted to both you and your pets. These include diseases such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Flea infestations end up in your drapery, carpets, furniture, and more importantly in your pets. More severe cases of flea infestation can cause anemia or even death in some cases.


How to treat your lawn for ticks and other pests

The best strategy is to be proactive, treating your yard early on and maintaining your yard regularly.

Regular Lawn Maintenance

Having tall grass helps hide ticks and fleas, allowing them an ideal environment to breed. It’s important to cut your yard to the proper length, cutting it too low will discourage the habitation of ants and spiders which feed on ticks and fleas.


Using a pesticide is your first line of defense against pests. It’s important to make sure that the pesticide is pet-friendly and causes minimum damage to your lawn.

Minimize Debris and Ornaments

Having debris like piles of bricks, wood, or stones allows ticks and other pests to seek refuge in. Even simple items like flowerpots or lawn ornaments in the areas where your family or pets frequents increases the chances of tick infestation.

Hire a Professional

The specific pests and how to get rid of them varies from place to place. A local lawn care expert will understand what to expect for the coming year as well as how to protect your yard and family from pests.

Bluegrass Lawn Service & Landscaping

With over 35 years of experience, we’ve seen time and time again how pest populations affect yards and families across our community. Contact us today to keep your yard safe and beautiful year-round!


Visit our Facebook for more lawn care tips!


09 Mar 2020

Why You Need Grub Control this Spring…

The mild winter we’ve had in Bucks County might have seemed like a pleasant break from the usual cycle of freezing temperatures and gray skies. Most of us were too busy looking forward to warmer weather to think about what that weather means for our grub control.

However, there’s a pest lurking under the ground that loves warm temperatures as much as we do…

What are grubs? Why are they bad for my lawn?

Lawn Grubs (also known as White Grubs) are the immature form of different Scarab Beetles, such as Japanese Beetles, June bugs (beetles) or the European Chafers. These white, crescent-shaped creatures have soft bodies with legs near the head. They feed on grassroots and organic matter in the soil, causing sections of your grass to die. Eventually, grubs turn into adult beetles and emerge from the soil to mate and lay eggs.

Japanese Beetle Grub Control
Cold and icy winters are part of nature’s cycle for controlling these pests in Bucks County. The freezing temperatures kill off many insects that hibernate through the season, resulting in fewer pests waking up in the spring to do damage to your yard.

The problem is, the mild winter we’ve had may not have been frigid enough to kill off the hibernating grubs.

How can I tell if I need grub control?

Clear indicators of a grub problem normally do not come until fall. One indicator is brown patches of grass that can be peeled up in chunks much like a carpet. This happens because grubs eat the grassroots, so the dead grass can be easily pulled up. Sometimes you can detect sponginess before the brown patches appear. Sponginess may be the first clue that Grubs are present if your lawn is well-watered.

Using these visual clues, grubs are easy to spot close-up, as their light color is easily distinguishable against brown dirt. Most live up to two inches below the surface and a small hand tool can be used to reveal those deeper in the dirt. Any more than four grubs per square foot of grass is considered unhealthy for your lawn and extensive lawn damage could result if grub control is not implemented promptly.

How can we help?

With over 35 years of experience, we’ve provided grub control all over Bucks County and have seen first hand how mild winters affect the grub population. Let our experts keep your yard beautiful year-round, get a quote today!

Read more lawn care tips on our Facebook Page!

10 Jun 2019
Lawn Care

Lawn Service Near Me Benefits

There are many benefits for using a lawn service company near you. Especially if the company has been in business for a long period of time and is family owned and operated. With many benefits, such as knowledge of soil, grass and the local experience over the years. We are perfect for all customers looking to protect their lawn, trees, and shrubs. Below are some key benefits and services we offer to our Blue Grass Lawn Service family of customers.

Knowing Your Trees and Shrubs

Knowing the area and the climate we created a 9 step tree and shrub care program provides nutrients, controls damage due to insects and prevents damage due to hot, dry weather conditions. The need for expert tree and shrub care often goes overlooked, but a flourishing landscape will greatly enhance the overall health and appearance of your property while increasing its value. Blue Grass Lawn Service & Landscaping offers a range of tree and shrub care services designed to give your landscape the nutrients, protection, and conditions it needs to thrive.

Lawn Care Needs

Based on the needs of your lawn we offer a variety of optional services to extend protection and help your lawn thrive throughout the season.

  • Promotes strong roots and thick, beautiful turf
  • Improve oxygen uptake ability
  • Defend your yard against ticks & fleas
  • Prevent damage due to turf diseases
  • Prevent damage caused by white grubs

We are a one-stop shop for seeding, aeration, flea and tick control, grub control. With us, we are only a phone call away and we consider everyone a customer, not a number. Owner-Operator Mitch Lynd is a phone call away. Whether you are a current customer or not, Mitch is always there to answer any questions or concerns!


Youtube – Meet Mitch Lynd